Monday, April 20, 2009

Prelim Question#2

1.Question#1:Discuss the pro's and con's of each model

Answer:Pro's are advantages or good things about a certain things.
Con's are dis-advantages or bad things.

sources of action are often seen in terms of pro's/con's reasons for and against are considered to clarify which is the most appropriete decesion.For example:if you were looking into a buying one house over another, you might make a list of pros and cons to weigh out the good and the bad and help you decide.

2.Cite a company that uses any of this model.Describe breifly how this chosen model affect the entire company.

Answer:Knowledge System Corporation.They use two models.Become established as one fundamental tecniques of oriented analysis.That marked the true beggining of use cases meteoric rise in popularity.Individual class level where state modeling provides an important technique of dynamic behavior specification.Use cases provide a great many benifits.One of this is can form the foundation on which to specify end timing requirements of real time application.

3.Question#3.Evaluate how an environment affects the organization and its management.
Discuss the pros and cons of not responding to the demands of the environment.

Pros and cons of not responding to the demands of the environment, there is a possible that they can't make appropriet decision interms of sources of action, to let them decide or choose the right one.

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